When and Who Invented Chairs: Exploring Their History

October 3, 2023

Chairs are ubiquitous in our daily lives, providing comfort and support as we work, relax, dine, or gather with others. Have you ever wondered when and who invented chairs? The history of this fundamental piece of furniture is a fascinating journey through time, revealing the ingenuity of humanity in designing objects for comfort and functionality.

In this blog, we’ll delve deep into the history of chairs, exploring when and who invented them, as well as how they evolved over the centuries. From humble beginnings to iconic designs, we’ll uncover the remarkable stories behind the chair’s development. So, let’s embark on a historical voyage to uncover the origins of this essential piece of furniture that has shaped our world in countless ways.

Ancient Beginnings: Early Chair Origins

Our exploration of the history of chairs takes us back to the dawn of human civilization, where the origins of this essential piece of furniture are shrouded in the mists of time. The earliest traces of chairs, a symbol of comfort and prestige, can be traced back to the flourishing civilization of ancient Egypt, around 3100 B.C.

In this ancient society, chairs were far from ubiquitous; instead, they were reserved for the elite, including pharaohs, nobility, and high-ranking officials. The concept of elevated seating was not merely functional but carried profound cultural and symbolic significance.

These early chairs, primarily crafted from wood, represented not only a place of rest but also an embodiment of power and authority. They were designed with meticulous attention to detail, featuring ornate and richly decorated designs that reflected the opulence and grandeur of the Egyptian civilization. These intricate carvings often included depictions of deities, hieroglyphs, and scenes from daily life.

Wood for Chair Construction

ancient wood chairs

The use of wood for chair construction was not only practical but also a testament to the resourcefulness of the ancient Egyptians. The wood of choice was often cedar or ebony, known for their durability and aesthetic appeal. These chairs were a blend of functionality and artistry, serving as both a comfortable seat and a symbol of the sitter’s social status.

It’s important to note that these early chairs differed significantly from the chairs we use today. They featured a distinct design, characterized by a sloping backrest and no legs. Instead, they typically rested on a curved base, allowing the sitter to recline in a semi-horizontal position. This design was well-suited to the lounging and relaxed posture favored by the ancient Egyptians.

As we journey through the history of chairs, it’s fascinating to see how these ancient beginnings set the stage for the evolution of chairs over the centuries. The concept of elevated seating for comfort and prestige, born in the heart of ancient Egypt, would go on to influence the design and cultural significance of chairs across various civilizations and eras, leaving an indelible mark on the world of furniture and human culture as a whole.

Classical Influences: Greece and Rome

As we continue our journey through the history of chairs, we arrive at a pivotal era where the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome made substantial contributions to the evolution of seating design. In the ancient Mediterranean world, chairs took on new forms, blending functionality with exquisite aesthetics.

The ancient Greeks, known for their reverence for art and beauty, introduced the world to the iconic klismos chair. The klismos chair, a masterpiece of design, featured a distinctive and elegant silhouette. Its curved backrest, which sloped gently backward, offered both comfort and style. This graceful design allowed the sitter to recline comfortably while also providing excellent lumbar support.

Tapered legs added to the klismos chair’s aesthetic appeal. These legs, gracefully narrowing as they descended, created a sense of lightness and sophistication. The use of fine materials such as wood, often in combination with leather or fabric cushions, enhanced the overall comfort and visual allure of the klismos chair.

The Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome Chairs

In ancient Rome, another iconic chair emerged – the curule chair. This unique seat was characterized by its X-shaped folding frame, which symbolized political power and authority. It was often used by high-ranking officials, military commanders, and magistrates, making it a symbol of prestige and influence.

The curule chair’s practicality was evident in its ability to fold flat for easy transportation and storage. This feature made it a versatile choice for individuals on the move, aligning with the Roman Empire’s expansive reach and the need for portable seating for officials conducting administrative duties across vast territories.

The influence of these classical designs on chair development cannot be overstated. The klismos chair’s graceful curves and the curule chair’s distinctive folding frame not only set new standards in comfort and practicality but also left an indelible mark on subsequent generations of chair designers.

As we explore the history of chairs, it becomes clear that the classical influences of Greece and Rome were instrumental in shaping the trajectory of seating design. These innovations, characterized by a harmonious blend of form and function, continue to inspire contemporary furniture designers and remind us of the enduring appeal of chairs that are both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional.

Medieval Innovations: Medieval Europe

During the Middle Ages in Europe, chairs became more widespread but were still considered symbols of prestige. Monarchs and nobles sat in elaborate throne-like chairs, while commoners used stools or benches. The concept of comfort slowly gained importance as cushioned seating options began to emerge.

Renaissance Rebirth: 15th to 17th Centuries

The Renaissance period witnessed a revival in the art of chair-making. Chairs became more accessible, with a growing middle class seeking comfortable and stylish seating options. The era saw the creation of ornate and intricately carved wooden chairs, often featuring luxurious upholstery.

Industrial Revolution: 18th and 19th Centuries

18th and 19th Centuries Chairs

The 18th and 19th centuries marked a transformative period in human history, known as the Industrial Revolution, which had a profound impact on various aspects of society, including the manufacturing and design of chairs. This era witnessed a seismic shift in the way chairs were produced and the materials used in their construction.

One of the most significant advancements during this time was the development of new materials that allowed for more efficient and cost-effective chair manufacturing. Wood remained a popular choice, but innovations such as bentwood and metal brought about a revolution in the industry.


Bentwood, in particular, became a game-changer. It involved the process of steaming wood to make it pliable and then bending it into intricate shapes and forms. This innovative technique was pioneered by Michael Thonet, an Austrian-born cabinet-maker and designer. Thonet’s use of steam-bent wood not only revolutionized chair construction but also enabled the mass production of chairs with a level of elegance and affordability that had not been seen before.

One of Thonet’s most iconic creations, the No. 14 chair, also known as the “bistro chair” or “coffee shop chair,” showcased the possibilities of bentwood. Its simple yet elegant design, featuring a curved backrest and seat, was not only visually appealing but also remarkably comfortable. This chair, with its lightweight and stackable design, quickly gained popularity and became a staple in cafes and restaurants worldwide. It is a testament to the power of innovation in materials and manufacturing techniques during the Industrial Revolution.

The Industrial Revolution

In addition to bentwood, the Industrial Revolution saw the increased use of metal in chair construction. The durability and versatility of metals like iron and steel made them ideal for creating sturdy and long-lasting seating solutions. Metal-framed chairs, often paired with wooden seats or upholstered cushions, found applications in various settings, from factories and offices to homes and public spaces.

The Industrial Revolution’s impact on chair manufacturing extended beyond materials and techniques. It also brought about significant changes in production processes. Factories equipped with machinery and assembly lines allowed for the mass production of chairs, making them more accessible to a broader population.

Therefore, the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries transformed the world of chair design and manufacturing. Innovations in materials, particularly bentwood and metal, along with groundbreaking techniques like steam bending, revolutionized the industry. Designers like Michael Thonet played a pivotal role in shaping the future of chairs, producing iconic pieces that continue to influence contemporary design. This era marked a shift towards mass production and accessibility, making well-designed and affordable chairs available to a wider audience, a legacy that continues to impact furniture design today.

Modern Era: 20th Century and Beyond

The 20th century marked a period of incredible creativity in chair design. Icons like the Eames Lounge Chair, Wassily Chair, and Barcelona Chair became symbols of modernism and innovation. During this time, designers began experimenting with new materials, including plastics and fiberglass, pushing the boundaries of chair design.

20th century chairs

Chair Evolution: From Ancient to Contemporary

The evolution of chairs from ancient times to the 21st century is a testament to human innovation, changing lifestyles, and evolving design philosophies. In contemporary times, chairs have reached new heights of diversity, functionality, and sustainability.

One of the remarkable developments in modern chair design is the emphasis on ergonomics. As our lives increasingly revolve around sedentary activities, such as office work, designers have responded with ergonomic office chairs. These chairs are meticulously engineered to provide optimal lumbar support, adjustable features for customized comfort, and promote healthy posture, making them essential for those spending long hours at their desks.

Sleek and minimalist designs have also gained popularity in the contemporary furniture landscape. Inspired by the principles of minimalism and simplicity, these chairs feature clean lines, uncluttered forms, and a focus on essential functionality. These designs seamlessly integrate with modern interiors, offering a sense of spaciousness and visual harmony.

The 21st century

In the 21st century, sustainability has become a central concern in chair design. Designers and manufacturers are increasingly turning to sustainable materials, such as reclaimed wood, recycled plastics, and eco-friendly textiles. Additionally, environmentally conscious production methods, like zero-waste manufacturing and energy-efficient processes, are being adopted to reduce the ecological footprint of chair production.

Moreover, the concept of upcycling and repurposing old furniture has gained traction, aligning with the global movement towards reducing waste and promoting circular design practices. This trend not only reduces the demand for new resources but also infuses new life into classic designs and vintage pieces.

Therefore, contemporary chair design reflects the evolving needs and values of our society. From ergonomic office chairs that prioritize health and well-being to minimalist designs that harmonize with modern living spaces, and sustainability-driven practices that reduce environmental impact, today’s chairs continue to evolve, adapt, and respond to the ever-changing demands of our dynamic world.

Who Invented Chairs: An Unanswered Question

While we have explored the evolution of chairs through history, pinpointing the exact moment or individual responsible for inventing the first chair remains a mystery. Chairs likely evolved gradually from stools and benches, making it challenging to attribute their invention to a single person or culture. However, the journey through time and cultures provides us with a rich tapestry of chair history.


Our exploration into the history of chairs, their invention, and evolution through the ages, unveils a rich tapestry woven with innovation, culture, and functionality. While pinpointing the precise moment or individual responsible for inventing the first chair remains elusive, the journey through time reveals fascinating insights into the development of this fundamental piece of furniture.

From the earliest traces of elevated seating in ancient Egypt, where chairs were symbols of prestige and adorned with ornate designs, to the classical influences of Greece and Rome, where the klismos chair and the curule chair combined elegance with utility, chairs have always mirrored the values and aspirations of their respective eras.

The Medieval period saw the gradual democratization of chairs, as they became more accessible beyond the nobility. During the Renaissance, chairs became works of art, intricately carved and upholstered, as craftsmanship reached new heights.

The Industrial Revolution marked a turning point, bringing mass production and innovative materials like bentwood and metal into the chair-making process. Designers like Michael Thonet revolutionized construction techniques, making stylish, affordable seating widely available.

In the 20th century, chairs became icons of modernism and innovation, with the likes of the Eames Lounge Chair and the Barcelona Chair pushing the boundaries of design. Contemporary chair design encompasses ergonomic office chairs, minimalist aesthetics, and sustainable materials, reflecting our changing lifestyles and values.

While we may never uncover the true inventor of the chair, its history is a testament to human creativity and adaptability. Chairs have evolved from symbols of power and prestige to everyday objects of comfort and utility, playing an integral role in our homes, workplaces, and public spaces. As we sit down in our modern chairs, we connect with a legacy of innovation and cultural significance that continues to shape the world of furniture and our daily lives.